Monday, June 28, 2010

Saying hello.

Hi, everyone. Just saying hi and letting you know I'm around and well. Hope the same can be said for all of you.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Busy, busy...

I'm so busy. There's quite a bit involved in all the moving prep. *sigh* I hate moving. I really do. All my beautiful books go in boxes... It makes me sad, lol!

I hope you're all doing well. I'm taking advantage of the delicious things I won't get to have for a bit -- like cotton candy sno cones. They're an awesome way to beat the heat. And they'll rot your teeth out! ; P

I got a very nice copy of "The Soldier's New Testament" to take with me. It's Army green (what I think of as "pickle suit green" -- the same color as the Army Class A uniform) bonded leather, has the Army seal on the front cover in gold. Very nice, and compact and light enough to fit in a cargo pocket. It also has little extras, like prayers written by Army Chaplains, and some basic info about the Army. : )

Kitten antics continue to keep me laughing. My babies are so funny! I'm enjoying the time left before I have to take them to stay with my friend while I'm gone.

Sure wish I could've gone home, but no time, and no money. Oh, well. : (

How are all of you doing?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Bullet" = FAIL!

LKH, you are fail. "Bullet" is fail. It is the headstone on the grave of the once-awesome "Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter" series. *weep*