Thursday, October 1, 2009

New job!

I got the job! *dances around in a circle* I need to call my mom and let her know she doesn't have to fret anymore.

And then I'm going to start looking for a second job to work on the weekends.

But first... I must go shopping! ^_^ Got to get some good, hijab-worthy business casual outfits. Most of my clothes are blue jeans and t-shirts. : P


  1. YAY!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Isn't it such a relieft know you have a job?

    I'm so happy for you! (^_^)

  2. Yay! Congratulations! If you don't mind me asking, what kind of job is it? *is nosey*

  3. Ooh! Masha'Allah! Congratulations! It's always a good sign when you enjoy the interview, isn't it? I am so happy for you...

  4. YAY Congrats! YAY SHOPPING lol

  5. Thanks! ^_^ I'm going to be working for JP Morgan Chase (the bank, for those who might not know), in customer service/debt collection. Since it's a phone-based job, maybe they'll let me wear niqab? I can always ask... If not, then at least my hijab is no problem! : D

  6. That's great news congratulations! :D

  7. Congratulations! we get a lot of people from ChaseCS at my work.

  8. WOW! So exciting. I am very happy that you were accepted for this job and that you wore your hijab. Now, you will not feel any extra angst when you where it on your first day. : ) You will have to let your new co-workers get used to it, but that goes without saying. Congrats!!!! Mubarak!____Stephanie
